
Hello there my old friend.
Not so long ago it was till the end.
Did you ever suspect,
That one day we would be 'old friends’?

Hardly had our journey begun,
When Life handed us separate boats.
Distance wormed its way between us.
And I watched us drift apart.

On my journey I realized,
That our paths might never cross again.
And if they did, it would be for nought.
For Time had cast his spell on us.

Do you know that one day I hid,
And watched you jealously from afar?
As you laughed gaily with the others,
I knew that I had been replaced.

Hello there my old friend.
Not so long ago it was till the end.
Did you ever suspect,
That one day we would be 'old friends'?

Chioma Precious Ibeakanma.

