Thank you Jedidiah and Jana. I miss you.

Chioma Ibeakanma
4 min readJul 22, 2021


My fans!

I know you missed me. If I were you, I’d miss me too. So, hiiii!

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of technical and article writing and schoolwork, so I left this part of me for a while? Even though article writing is fun, it gets tiring sometimes. So here I am, letting you guys into my world again. You’re welcome.

Last year, in the first week of October, I found love in the arms of a snail. Wait. Snails don’t have arms, but you get. His name was/is (do you say was or is?) Jedidiah. I literally picked him from the gutters, lol. I took him to my room, cleaned him up, and gave him a home in my heart. And in a small bowl under my bed, sha. We had a good time, him munching on fresh leaves, me making videos, and spending quality time. It was blissful.


But Jedidiah got lonely. And I got busy. So, I figured Jedidiah needed a companion — one that looked like him. And as our Lord Jesus would have it, I found a companion for my Jedidiah! I called her Jana. Jana was beautiful and different.

I want to believe that if the snail kingdom held races — and they might just do — Jana would have been their Usain Bolt. Jana was fast, too fast for a snail. Watching her was very fascinating and also scary. The human brain is a funny organ, I must tell you. In those moments where I watched her, my beautiful brain would remember that I read somewhere that wild snails could chew on human skin. It would also remember that the lid of their bowl didn’t exactly close and that Jana could slip out, climb my bed and get on me. I got scared.


Obviously, Jana wasn’t a wild snail, I hope. But really, what were the odds? What made it even worse was that Jedidiah started moving quickly too. My sweet slow comfortable baby was increasing his speed? I panicked. Yes, I’m not that much of a hard girl. I can be a baby sometimes.

As I said, I panicked. I took Jedidiah and Jana away from my room and put them in the potted plants beside the house. The next day, I went to check up on them and they were gone.

What was I expecting, really? I regret sending them away so soon. I really hope they’re somewhere together in love, touring the world? Maybe they have children. Maybe their children have children. I hope they’re happy, sha. I really hope they didn’t end up in a pot of soup somewhere. Or what if by sheer luck they entered my pot of soup?? Omo. God forbid!

So why am I thanking Jedidiah and Jana? Because I learnt some things from the short time we spent together. Here’s what I learnt:

1. Fear

You see, fear is a very weird thing. Sometimes, it stems from scenarios completely made up by our brains. Fear when we allow it holds us back. Takes us hostage. Silences us. It is really terrible.

Fear steals from us. Sometimes, I think of all the memories my pets and I could have shared. Fear leads to regrets. I really wish I hadn’t taken them away when I did.

What exactly was I afraid of? I was afraid of the ‘new’. Of change. Of things I wasn’t used to. And things I didn’t understand. And I do it a lot of times. I cling so tightly to my comfort zone that a little change to my environment makes me afraid. It shouldn’t be this way. Change is not to be feared.

I fear a lot of things. I am not that confident and strong. But when times of fear come, I am learning to ask myself, “What would you do if you were not afraid?”

2. Good company

Aha! Remember when I said Jedidiah started getting fast when Jana joined him? That made me think. And I learnt two things from that. One, it is not good for a man to be alone. Haha, just kidding.

The first thing that I learnt was that many times we need company to function to our full potential. We really can’t do this life thing alone. And to excel at life and whatever we find ourselves in, we need company — good company.

I also learnt that the company we keep affects us greatly. Jedidiah’s speed increased when he stayed around someone who was way faster than him. If he hadn’t stayed with her, he would probably have been the slow snail I was comfortable with. So, in a way I am happy. And yes, keep good company.

No, I am not a motivational speaker. Just wanted to share this? I really really really hope my babies are happy wherever they are. And I am grateful for our memories and for the lessons.

Thank you Jedidiah and Jana. I miss you.

May you never lose your wonder,

Chioma Ibeakanma.


